Hero™ Specialist


Cosmetic Clinic located in Edina, MN & Excelsior, MN

Visible signs of aging aren’t limited to your face and neck. If you’re looking for a full-body treatment that can effectively shed years off your appearance, the experienced providers at Beautifeye in Edina and Excelsior, Minnesota, have the right treatment for you. The Sciton Hero™ is a BroadBand Light (BBL)™ platform that minimizes wrinkles, tightens skin, and reduces unwanted pigmentation anywhere on your body. To learn more about this groundbreaking treatment, schedule an appointment over the phone today.

Hero™ Q & A

What is Hero?

BBL Hero is a laser treatment that can reduce the signs of aging anywhere on your body. What makes the BBL Hero platform unique is that it combines BBL Forever Young technology with the BBL Forever Body technology for a full-body experience that covers all of your skin concerns. Both technologies use pulsed light to minimize wrinkles, sun damage, and other signs of aging.

As a nonsurgical laser treatment, the BBL Hero is safe and effective for all skin types and colors. It delivers results at four times the speed of comparable lasers and can even safely treat tanned skin.

BBL Hero treatments are less painful than traditional intense pulsed light (IPL) therapy because the laser itself delivers a simultaneous cooling effect as it heats up your skin, ensuring it’s comfortable and relatively pain-free.

What can Hero treat?

An innovative new treatment, BBL Hero can help minimize nearly every sign of aging, including:

 Fine lines and wrinkles
Acne scars
Lost elasticity
Small blood vessels
Age spots

BBL Hero can give you clearer, younger-looking skin without invasive surgery or injections.

How does Hero work?

BBL Hero delivers targeted light energy directly into your skin to heat the upper layers. Once your skin absorbs the energy, it converts to heat, which stimulates your body’s natural healing response. 

When your body’s healing response activates, it stimulates cell regeneration to repair damage and collagen production to tighten your skin. Over time, your skin will look smoother, tighter, and clearer.

How long does it take to see results with Hero?

Each BBL Hero treatment takes just 30 minutes and requires virtually no downtime, so it’s perfect for those with busy schedules. You’ll start to see improvements in the tone and texture of your skin in as little as one week after your first treatment.

How many treatments you need depends on the severity of your skin concern. However, most people need at least three treatments to see visible improvements in their skin. 

BBL Hero treatments are safe and effective, regardless of your skin type, so you can maintain your results with regular visits to Beautifeye.

To learn more about the benefits of BBL Hero, call the aesthetic experts at Beautifeye or schedule a consultation online today.